Pistol training

Tactical pistol training uses mainly semi-automatic firearms, with a high degree of reliability and accuracy. They’re great for self-defence, tasks that require a high level of personal protection. UCP courses are designed to better your reaction times and instinctive shooting techniques.

Check Our Courses

UCP Level 1
Online Pistol Safety

UCP Level 2
Basic Pistol Safety

UCP Level 3
Tactical Pistol

UCP Level 4
Tactical Pistol Intermediate

dynamic Pistol training

UCP Level 5
Dynamic Pistol

advanced tactical pistol training

UCP Level 6
Tactical Pistol Advanced

Concealed Carry Weapons

UCP Level 1
Concealed Carry Weapons CCW For Civilians And Home Defence

Live Pistol Training

UCP Level 1
Concealed Carry Weapons CCW For PSD (Private Security Detail)

ccw training

UCP Level 1
Concealed Carry Weapons CCW For Security And Shop Owners

concealed carry practice

UCP Level 2
Firearms Concealed Carry Weapons CCW For Civilians And Home Defense

IOF Level 1
Online Pistol Safety

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