Celebrity & VIP Security Protection Specialist Certification Course

Specialist Security Strategies for High-Profile Clients


Anyone That Is Already Or Is Planning To Work For Celebrities Or Sports Stars And Their Families And/Or Wishing To Upskill Their Profession And Enter The Security Industry For Unarmed Close Protection Employment.
Close Protection Operative
A bodyguard or close protection officer
IBG 11


Ucp’s uniquely developed course blends the close protection level 3 standard course with an advanced industry sector that is sometimes missed on the normal training courses.

Working with and for a-listers and sports stars is a totally different world than a wealthy CEO. Same foundations but the diversity of the superstars is immense.

Their lifestyle and their travelling, meeting other ibg’s and friends of friends, the excessive needs and wants and not to mention the image they have to upkeep every minute of the day.

 Fans, stalkers, paparazzi and journalist, criminal gangs and the irs and hmrc s all have their surveillance units watching out for the stars for some reason or another.

A special kind of security operative covers all angles of threat on these superstars.

Working with celebrities like, meryl streep, tom cruise and george clooney, to name a few, should be the highlight of your career. Many students who have come through training go onto become part of a team or the actual individual bodyguard to these superstars.

Global travelling, respect from the crowds, feeling important and needed are just a few good reasons to want to get up and work each morning.

Course Length


Course Cost



UK, USA, Thailand, Lebanon, Sri Lanka, Spain, Italy and Singapore


Level 2 Award For Working With Celebrities As A Close Protection Operative Within The Private Security Industry


Course Dates

Any time of the month


Internally set and internally assessed practical tasks

Skill Prerequisites

  • Level 3 Close Protection


The Qualification Comprises Three Mandatory Units:

Unit 1 – Working As A Close Protection Operative

Unit 2 – Planning, Preparing And Supporting A Close Protection Operation

Unit 3 – Conflict Management Within The Private Security Industry

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