Entry requirements
Candidates must have good command of English language(reading & writing)
Qualification Structure

Minimum Required Kit List
- Casual Jeans or Dockers; gym clothing
- Laptop with Microsoft word and power point,
- USB memory stick with 10 GB max
- Pencil and pen, eraser
- Tactical Belt
- Tactical Boots
- Tactical Pants and shirt
- Holster for Glock 17/19
- Ear defenders
- Knee pads
- Chest rig
- Ballistic glasses
Course Length
ProQual Level 6 Hostile Environment & CQB Training Certification
Course Cost
£2,500 (inc. VAT)
USA, UK, Lebanon and Thailand
Course Dates
Any time of the month
The unit requires the assessment of knowledge, understanding and skills which can be demonstrated during a rigorous training programme undertaken in a purpose-built training environment.
There must be valid, authentic and sufficient evidence for all the assessment criteria. However, one piece of evidence may be used to meet the requirements of more than one learning outcome or assessment criterion.
ProQual Level 6 Diploma in Hostile Environment Operations & Close Quarter Battle
Skill Prerequisites
- ProQual Level 6 Diploma in Hostile Environment Operations
- PSC (Private Security Contractor) PSD
- UCP Hostile
- Level 1,2 CQB
- Or Equivalent with Instructor’s Approval
*All prerequisite awards should not be expired
so please check the expiry date before applying
*All Candidates should have a reasonable level
of personal fitness
Unit M/617/0755
Engaging in Close Quarter Battle in a Hostile Environment
Learning outcomes are listed below, full details about the Assessment Criteria are provided
to approved ProQual centres
1. Competently operate within a close quarter battle team in hostile environments
1.1 Demonstrate a range of room and building entry techniques, including:
- through doorways
- when outside the room
- where furniture may be lining walls
- where there may be concealed threats
- in large rooms, halls and hangars with/without barricades
- when moving down a hallway
- when rappelling
1.2 Assess the threats and risks of the different entry types and techniques
1.3 Assess the advantages and disadvantages of the different entry techniques
1.4 Communicate effectively with all team members
1.5 Demonstrate a range of saturation techniques involving:
- stacked rooms
- up/down stairways
- forms of transportation
- forced entry
- breaching
- explosive charges
1.7 Use rappelling techniques
1.8 Communicate effectively with all team members
2.2 Communicate effectively with all team members
3.2 Communicate effectively with all team members