Close Protection Surveillance Awareness Training Course
Essential Surveillance Skills for Close Protection Operatives
For already trained close protection operatives that wish to enhance their surveillance awareness
Anyone wishing to enter the security industry for unarmed close protection employment
This course is designed for those learners wishing to apply a more strategic approach to their operations and safety of their client using the counter surveillance skills.

Surveillance awareness equips individuals to identify circumstances where those conducting surveillance are particularly vulnerable to compromise, provides an insight to the manner in which surveillance will be conducted and consequently options to identify when it is being undertaken.
UCP 5 day Surveillance Awareness Course was designed to cover all the basic to intermediate surveillance; from vehicle, foot, Technical to static and rural surveillance.
Our own former Mi5 instructor will carry out this instruction.
- Identify potential targets of adversarial surveillance.
- Describe the information obtained by surveillance that is of interest to adversaries.
- Recognize indicators of surveillance within the everyday environment.
- Identify actions that you can take to detect potential adversarial surveillance incidents.
- Describe the importance of identifying and reporting suspicious activities associated with adversarial surveillance.
- Specify actions you can take to report potential incidents of adversarial surveillance.
Security Advance Party kit list
We play the grey man and as such please bring clothing that has no logos or bright colours.
Smart casual and casual clothing with good walking shoes and trainers
Laptop with Microsoft word and power point, USB memory stick with 10 GB max as you will not get this returned, Camera or phone camera with leads, small and large Notebook (small for day to day log) black pen and pencil with rubber.
- Instructor
- Training equipment
- Exams
- Awards
- Classroom
- Range (Where Applicable)
- Ammo (Where Applicable)
- Accommodation (where applicable)
- Food and beverages
- Flights (where applicable)
- Airport Transfers (where applicable)
- Safety Glasses (Where Applicable)
- Ear Defenders (Where Applicable)

Course Length
5 Days
Course Cost
£3800 + VAT
UK, USA, Thailand, Lebanon, Sri Lanka, Spain, Italy and Singapore
Course Dates
Any time of the month
- Externally set and internally assessed open response questions
- Internally set and internally assessed practical tasks
Level 2 Award in: SAP (Security Advance Party) surveillance awareness for the close protection operative
Skill Prerequisites
- Reasonable understanding of the english language, reasonable fitness level
*All prerequisite awards should not be expired
so please check the expiry date before applying
*All Candidates should have a reasonable level
of personal fitness
The Qualification Comprises One Mandatory Unit:
Unit 1 – Working As A Close Protection Operative