UCP Level 4 Private Security Contractor (PSC) & PSD Training

Advanced Security Tactics & Protective Services Certification


This course was designed by our former military and private military contractors to introduce mainly former military into the world of the private security contractor. Based on the standards and workings of private contracting companies such as Guardaworld and Constellis and Blue Hackle and Aegis.

Anyone wishing to enter the high-risk industry of close protection armed sector.

The 9-day UCP course also gives the learner the minimum requirements to apply for overseas high-risk jobs such as Middle East, Africa, and South America.

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9 days of intense training for the Private Security Contractor covering all aspects from theory to practical with a multiple-choice exam and Practical exercise to pass the training course.
The PSC course will guide learners through the military to private transition process entering the employment and interviews with the recruitment companies to gain work in the natural environment already trained and experienced and easy to transition into. Of course, it’s easier of you are former military but not always essential as there are many non-former military working in hostile environments.
So, anyone wishing to enter the high-risk industry of armed close protection would seriously need to take this type of training (former military or not) This qualification is designed for those learners wishing to apply for a job in the private security contractor or overseas high-risk industry. The 9-day UCP course also gives the learner the minimum requirements to apply for overseas high-risk jobs such as Middle East, Africa, and South America.
You will be put through your paces from our highly experienced tutors, so prepare to train hard every single day. We finish the course with 3 days of final exercises protecting 3 types of clients that you will possibly come across in your future career, so this course really prepares you for high risk bodyguarding and for armed Private Security Contractors looking to work overseas in places like Iraq and Libya for example.

Course Length


Course Cost



UK, Thailand, Italy, Lebanon, USA, Spain, Sri Lanka, Singapore, New Zealand and Iraq


- UCP Level 2 Basic Award in First Aid at Work Awareness
- UCP Level 4 PSC (Private Security Contractor) PSD
- UCP Level 3 Weapons Proficiency Award


Course Dates

Any time of the month


Internally Set And Internally Assessed Practical Tasks

Skill Prerequisites

  • IOF (eLearning Level 1 Basic Pistol – eLearning Level 1 Basic Carbine)
  • Level 3 Close Protection Certification
  • Reasonable Understanding Of The English Language
  • Reasonable Fitness Level
  • Preferably Former Military And Over 23 Years Of Age.
  • Or Equivalent with Instructor’s Approval


  • Threat assessment and risk analysis – Introduction to PSC.
  • pre-deployment administrative requirements and introduction to operating in Hostile Environments. Rules on use of Force.
  • Cultural, IED Awareness.
  • Foot formations.
  • Vehicle Convoy – Arrivals and Departures.
  • Roles and responsibilities of a PSD Team.
  • SOP’s on Providing Security in High-Risk locations.
  • Ambush vehicle and foot force-on-force scenarios with the use of Simunition.
  • Reaction to attack Drills with VIP and as PSD Team and Aim of Point Drills.
  • Final examination – theory and practice.
  • Anti-Ambush Drills (foot and vehicle) reaction to attack.
  • PSD/PMC Roles and Responsibilities including small team tactics-communications-reacting to trauma (Casevec) – Search.
  • Kidnap for Ransom.
  • IOF Level 3 weapons Proficiency Live firearms, which meet the ISO 28007 requirements for both Armed Security in Close Protection and Maritime Anti-Piracy Roles.
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