UCP Level 6 Tactical Pistol Advanced

Advanced Pistol Skills in Low light and No light conditions Time Reaction & Target Perception (TRTP)


The course is designed for any private security operative, individual or groups, military or non-military to gain their weapons proficiency which is now a pre-requisite for many or most security contracting companies working within the armed security sector.

Pistol 6
Live Level 3 Tactical Pistol Featured Image
concealed carry best holters and positions
dynamic Pistol training


The UCP the time reaction and target perception are the combat tested and widely accepted shooting concept where the proper mindset, marksmanship and manipulation are the core skills of a tactical shooter. Once critical individual skills are established, UCP students can systematically progress to more specialized and tactical training. With the UCP TRTP system, you will be able to engage in the fire-contact situation around 1 second. The trtp systems are efficient and dedicated for pistol

UCP low light and no light advanced skills on the handgun teaches low-light principles and applications for everyday carry. In this program, you will learn to navigate, search, identify and engage threats using low-light and no-light techniques and working in teams.

During the active range days, UCP students will learn to manipulate your weapon in low light or no-light environments, using a torch and other adaptions and attachments to your guns and body. The majority of the class will be running through scenarios and live-fire drills on the range.

Minimum Required Kit List

  • Tactical Belt
  • Tactical/Outdoor Boots
  • Clothing Appropriate For Climate And Conditions
  • Shooting Glasses (Ballistic)
  • Shooting Ear Protection (Ear Defenders)


  • instructor
  • Training equipment
  • Exams
  • Awards
  • Classroom
  • Range (where applicable)
  • Ammo (where applicable)


  • Accommodation (where applicable)
  • Food and beverages
  • Flights (where applicable)
  • Airport Transfers (where applicable)
  • Safety Glasses (where applicable)
  • Ear Defenders (where applicable)

Course Length

3 Days

Course Cost



USA, UK, Lebanon and Thailand


Course Dates

Any time of the month


UCP award for the skill level in which you took this course.

The representative of the UCP will present you with your award at the end of the course

Pistol no light and low light training


  • This course will be assessed by the range officer and firearms instructor for safety (NSP’s), range protocol, manners, emergency actions, accuracy and speed.

  • It will be assessed by 80% practical and 20% theory examination

  • A portfolio of training will be complimented by your award presented to you for your proof of participation which you will take with you as proof of your learning

Skill Prerequisites

  • Level 1 (Pistol) Online Course
  • Level 1 (Pistol) Online
  • Level 2 (Pistol) Basic
  • Level 3 Tactical Pistol
  • Level 4 (Pistol) Tactical Intermediate
  • Level 5 (Pistol) – Dynamic Pistol

*All prerequisite awards should not be expired
so please check the expiry date before applying
*All Candidates should have a reasonable level
of personal fitness


  • UCP Safety Briefing

  • UCP Pistol/Carbine Unconventional Shooting Position

  • Fundamentals Of Weapon Manipulation And Marksmanship

  • UCP TRTP Stage 1: Tactical Reload Shooting With A Client / CPSD Weak Hand Shooting Drills: Single-Hand Manipulation Concealed And Open Carry / CCFCCS / Concealed And Cover Shooting / Multiple Target Engagement – Static And Moving Index Shoot I.R. / Immediate Firing Response

  • UCP TRTP Stage 2: SWAT SSE Pistol/Carbine: With Time Pressure And Without / Tactical Transition In Motion TST And T.S.M. Engagements Contact Drills / Team Works Of Obstacle And Obstruction Iron And Aim Point Shooting-Reflex LLSD (Low Light Shooting Drills)Shooting Under Stress / IRS Suppressive Fire Techniques

  • Summary Of The Course: De-Briefing & Q&A’s WEAPONS: GLOCK 17, GLOCK19

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