ProQual Level 6 Hostile Environment & CQB Training Certification

Advanced Hostile Environment Training for Professionals


The combination of the instructors’ experience with training methods makes this a program like no other. You will be trained by former UK Special Forces and Intelligence instructors who will mentor you through the program and if you are a student with exceptional performance there is potential for UCP staff to assist with employment opportunity.
The Level 6 Diploma in Hostile Environment Operations – Close Quarter Battle (CQB) is aimed at personnel deploying within a complex/hostile environment. The qualification demonstrates that an individual has achieved knowledge, understanding and skills which contribute to their safety and survival when operating in a complex/hostile environment. The awarding organisation for the qualification is ProQual Awarding Body and the regulatory body is the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual). The qualification has been accredited onto the Regulated Qualification Framework (RQF)
Level 4 Hostile Course
CQB (Close Quarters Battle) Training

Entry requirements

Candidates must be aged 18+.

Candidates must have good command of English language(reading & writing)

Qualification Structure

Candidates must complete the Mandatory unit.

Course Length



ProQual Level 6 Hostile Environment & CQB Training Certification

Course Cost



USA, UK, Lebanon and Thailand


Course Dates

Any time of the month


The unit requires the assessment of knowledge, understanding and skills which can be demonstrated during a rigorous training programme undertaken in a purpose-built training environment.
There must be valid, authentic and sufficient evidence for all the assessment criteria. However, one piece of evidence may be used to meet the requirements of more than one learning outcome or assessment criterion.


ProQual Level 6 Diploma in Hostile Environment Operations & Close Quarter Battle

Skill Prerequisites

  • ProQual Level 6 Diploma in Hostile Environment Operations
  • PSC (Private Security Contractor) PSD
  • UCP  Hostile
  • Level 1,2 CQB
  • Or Equivalent with Instructor’s Approval


Unit M/617/0755
Engaging in Close Quarter Battle in a Hostile Environment

Learning outcomes are listed below, full details about the Assessment Criteria are provided
to approved ProQual centres

1. Competently operate within a close quarter battle team in hostile environments

1.1 Demonstrate a range of room and building entry techniques, including:

      • through doorways
      • when outside the room
      • where furniture may be lining walls
      • where there may be concealed threats
      • in large rooms, halls and hangars with/without barricades
      • when moving down a hallway
      • when rappelling

1.2 Assess the threats and risks of the different entry types and techniques
1.3 Assess the advantages and disadvantages of the different entry techniques
1.4 Communicate effectively with all team members
1.5 Demonstrate a range of saturation techniques involving:

      • stacked rooms
      • up/down stairways
      • forms of transportation
      • forced entry
      • breaching
      • explosive charges
1.6 Assess the threats and risks of the different saturation techniques
1.7 Use rappelling techniques
1.8 Communicate effectively with all team members
2. Be competent within a close quarter battle team to regain a building in a hostile environment
2.1 Engage appropriate entry and saturation techniques to regain a building
2.2 Communicate effectively with all team members
3. Be competent within a close quarter battle team to regain a subject in a hostile environment
3.1 Engage appropriate entry and saturation techniques to regain a subject from a room or building
3.2 Communicate effectively with all team members
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