Anyone Wishing To Enhance Their Surveillance Skills And Keep Them Sharp, Anyone Wishing To Get Into The Remit Of Security And Investigations. The Course Is Designed To Teach Students How To Insert, Establish And Run Observation Posts From Rural Hides In Order To Gather Evidence And Intelligence.
This Course Includes Unit 1 And 2 Of The Sniper Elite Course.
5 days of intense training for surveillance covering all aspects from theory to practical in the skills of close target reconnaissance within the surveillance industry and as part of insertion techniques for sniper elite.
Coalition forces often use close target reconnaissance (ctr) units for the persistent surveillance of potential threats. Ctrs track suspect movements through tagging, tracking, and locating (ttl) and technical audio and video systems. Ucp offers customized ctr training to members of special operations forces, and the intelligence community. In combination with physical and technical surveillance practices, students are trained to utilize ctr techniques for the collection of information on facilities, activities, or persons of interest. Skills are taught in a manner that can be adapted to a variety of operational situations, and courses can be tailored to meet the specific training objectives of our customers.
Our “crawl, walk, run” approach allows adequate time for the progression of student learning and enhances students’ ability to move from the theoretical to the practical. Practical exercises and workshops build in intensity to develop a comprehensive learning experience.
Minimum Required Kit List
- Casual Jeans Or Dockers And Grey Man Clothing
- Good Pair Of Walking Shoes
- Tactical Boots Brown Or Black Colour (Black Soles)
- Tactical Pants And Shirt – Brown Or Black Or Dark Green In Colour
- Rucksack
- Laptop With Microsoft Word And Power Point,
- USB Memory Stick With 10 GB Max
- Pencil And Pen, Eraser
- instructor
- Training equipment
- Exams
- Awards
- Classroom
- Range (where applicable)
- Ammo (where applicable)
- Accommodation (where applicable)
- Food and beverages
- Flights (where applicable)
- Airport Transfers (where applicable)
- Safety Glasses (where applicable)
- Ear Defenders (where applicable)
Course Length
Course Cost
£1500 + VAT
USA, UK, Thailand, Lebanon, Sri Lanka, Spain, Italy and singapore
Award In CPD For Security, Investigation, And Surveillance (Close Target Reconnaissance)
Course Dates
Any time of the month
Internally Set And Internally Assessed Practical Tasks
Skill Prerequisites
- Level 1 Basic Online Surveillance
- Drivers’ Licence Any Nationality
*All prerequisite awards should not be expired
so please check the expiry date before applying
*All Candidates should have a reasonable level
of personal fitness
Rural OP Overview
- Operational Planning & Risk Management
- Basic Photography
- Threat And Risk Analysis
- Triggering The Target
- Tactical Movement To The OP (Route Selection)
- Communications
- Seen But Not Noticed
- Kit & Equipment Needed For Sustained Rural Deployments
- Voice Procedure & Reporting (Keeping An OP Log)
- Strategic Covert Insertion & Extraction Into The Target Area
- Rural OP (Hide Construction) In And Out Selections
- Camouflage & Concealment
- Operation From A Rural OP
- Basic Photography
- Threat And Risk Analysis
- Triggering The Target
- Communications
- Seen But Not Noticed
- Actions On Compromise