Basic Technical Surveillance Training | Covert Monitoring Skills
Introduction to Technical Surveillance & Intelligence Gathering
Anyone Wishing To Enhance Their Surveillance Skills And Keep Them Sharp, Anyone Wishing To Get Into The Remit Of Security And Investigations
The 3-Day UCP Basic Technical Surveillance Course Also Gives The Learner The Minimum Requirements To Step Into The Surveillance Industry And Be Confident Taking On Surveillance Contracts And Tasks.

Technical Surveillance Includes Intelligence Gathering Methods In Which Covert Technical Devices—I.E., Listening And Photographic Equipment—Are Utilized To Gain Access To And/Or Information On Persons Or Facilitates Of Interest. Offers Customized Technical Surveillance Training Programs To Members, Special Operations Forces, And The Intelligence Community In Order To Develop The Customer’s Surveillance Capabilities. UCP Has Developed Three Unique Training Programs To Ensure Beginner, Intermediate, And Advanced Students Are Up To Date On The Latest Surveillance Techniques, Tools, And Tactics. Skills Are Taught In A Manner That Can Be Adapted To A Variety Of Operational Situations, And Courses Can Be Tailored To Meet The Specific Training Objectives Of Our Customers.
UCP’s Basic Technical Surveillance: This Course Teaches Basic Techniques And Methodologies For Technical Surveillance. Students Receive Basic Instruction On Planning And Conducting Technical-Based Reconnaissance Operations And Are Taught To Select Gear Based On Mission Profile, Configure Gear For Operation, And Employ Their Strategy Without Compromise. The Course Is Delivered By Our Own Former MI5 British Intelligence Agent (MD)
Training Is Continually Reinforced As Each New Module Builds On Skills From The Previous Module. Specific Content Is Dependent On Customer Objectives And May Include Use Of Tactical Audio-Video Devices (TAVs); Basic Covert Photography Using Long Lens And Standard Lens; Tagging, Tracking, And Global Locating Devices (TTL); And Basic Computer Forensic Tools. Students Are Introduced To Emerging Technology Such As Smart Cameras, Remote Cameras, GIS Technology, And Other Audio-Visual Technologies.
Minimum Required Kit List
- Casual Jeans Or Dockers And Grey Man Clothing
- Good Pair Of Walking Shoes
- Laptop With Microsoft Word And Power Point,
- USB Memory Stick With 10 GB Max
- Pencil And Pen, Eraser
- instructor
- Training equipment
- Exams
- Awards
- Classroom
- Range (where applicable)
- Ammo (where applicable)
- Accommodation (where applicable)
- Food and beverages
- Flights (where applicable)
- Airport Transfers (where applicable)
- Safety Glasses (where applicable)
- Ear Defenders (where applicable)
Course Length
Course Cost
£900 + VAT
USA, UK, Thailand, Lebanon, Sri Lanka, Spain, Italy and singapore
Award In CPD For Security, Investigation, And Surveillance (Technical Surveillance)
Course Dates
Any time of the month
Internally Set And Internally Assessed Practical Tasks
Skill Prerequisites
- Bug Sweeps
- Person, Vehicle And Room Searches
- Technical Equipment
- Notes And Reporting
- Working On Your Own And Within A Team
- Communications
- Installing Bugs
- Finding Bugs And Hidden Cameras
- Phone Tapping – Mobile Phone Hacking
- Meeting Room Technical Surveillance Counter Measures
- Cyber Security
- Listening Devices
- Drones
- Parameter Defences
- Alarms
- Biometric Entrance Checks
- Lock Picking